Call for Contributions for the PhD Symposium
KnowledgeWeb PhD Symposium
Innsbruck, Austria
6th June, 200
The Knowledge Web PhD Symposium aims at bringing together doctoral students within the Semantic Web community to open their work up to discussion in a European forum, and to obtain valuable feedback from leading scientists in the field. However, in contrast with other similar initiatives, participants to the symposium will not only receive constructive comments with respect to topic-specific research issues; they will also be assisted in formulating a coherent research narrative for their doctoral work. In particular, students will be asked to submit an extended abstract, structured in accordance to a pre-defined template, which has been designed to highlight the key methodological components required for a sound research narrative. Generally speaking, priority will be given to 1st/2nd year PhD students (because they are still in the process of defining the scope of their research). However, all PhD students are welcome and encouraged to apply.
Just as in 2006 [KWEPSY 2006], the 2nd Symposium will be co-located with the 4th Annual European Semantic Web Conference. It is scheduled for the 6th of June 2007.
Important Dates (GMT) |
Deadline for Paper Submissions : |
March 2, 2007 |
Notification of Acceptance: |
April 13, 2007 |
Camera Ready Versions: |
April 20, 2007 |
Symposium: |
June 6, 2007 |
Call for Contributions
Though organized under the umbrella of Knowledge Web, the symposium is open to all PhD students carrying out research on topics related to the Semantic Web. The applicants are required to send an extended abstract of their doctoral work, which should address the following aspects:
- Describe the research problem of the PhD thesis and argument its relevant for the Semantic Web area.
- Describe the state of the art, emphasizing the need for improvement and the feasibility of your approach.
- Summarize the expected contributions and outline the real-world use cases (applications, target audience) which will mainly benefit from your work.
- Sketch the research methodology that you have adopted (or you are planning to adopt), in particular your approach to evaluating/validating the results.
- Describe your proposed approach, clearly differentiating between the results achieved so far, the remaining work and the (planned) evaluation.
- Compare and contrast your approach with other existing approaches, in particular highlighting the shortcomings of other approaches, which your approach is planning to tackle.
- Conclude your summary with an outline of the planned future work.
Papers should not exceed 5 pages. They should be formatted according to the [Springer LNCS] format and submitted as PDF documents per mail to simperl at inf.fu-berlin.de. Applicants should also specify how long they have worked on their doctoral work.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the scientific advisory board. The submissions will be reviewed against the following criteria (in this order):
- Conformance of the submitted abstract to the given template.
- Novelty and originality of the research work.
- Rigorousness and scientific soundness of the overall approach and of the results so far.
- Clarity of the presentation.
- Relevance of the work with respect to the Semantic Web field.
The selected participants will be given the opportunity to open their work up to discussion in front of other students and an expert audience (either in a regular presentation session or in a poster session). Each accepted contribution will be assigned to a scientific advisor who will provide extended feedback to the presented research achievements and to the accuracy of the applied methodology. A template for structuring the paper presentations will be be provided after the final program of the symposium has been set up.
Topics of interest to the symposium include (but are not restricted to):
- Ontology management (e.g. creation, evolution, evaluation)
- Ontology alignment (e.g. mapping, matching, merging, alignment, mediation and reconciliation)
- Ontology learning
- Ontology population
- Business-oriented aspects of ontology engineering (costs, business measurements, cost benefit analysis)
- Semantic Web-based multimedia
- Semantic annotation of data
- Semantic Web trust, privacy, security and intellectual property rights
- Semantic Web represenation and query languages
- Reasoning on the Web (e.g. scalability, fuzziness, distribution)
- Searching, querying, visualizing, navigating and browsing the Semantic Web
- Personalization and user modelling
- User interfaces and Semantic Web
- Semantic Grid and Middleware
- Semantic Web Services (e.g. description, discovery, invocation, composition)
- Semantic Web Applications for knowledge management, eBusiness, eCulture, eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning, eScience etc.
- Database technologies for the Semantic Web
- Semantic interoperability
- Semantic data integration
- Semantic Web mining
Organisational Committee
Elena Simperl, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Joerg Diederich, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany
Guus Schreiber, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Scientific Advisors (provisional list)
Alain Leger, France Telecom, France
Asuncion Gomez Perez, Universidad Politecnica Madrid, Spain
Anupriya Ankolekar, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Axel Polleres (DERI Galway, National University of Ireland, Galway)
Daniel Olmedilla, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany
Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield, UK
Elena Simperl, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Enrico Motta, The Open University, UK
Fabien Gandon, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy
Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Guus Schreiber, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
Holger Wache, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ilya Zaihrayeu, University of Trento, Italy
Jeff Z. Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK
Jerome Euzenat, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
Joerg Diederich, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany
John Breslin, NUIG Galway, Ireland
John Davies, British Telecom, UK
Lora Aroyo, University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Lyndon Nixon, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Marco Ronchetti, University of Trento, Italy
Martin Dzbor, The Open University, UK
Michal Zaremba, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
Pavel Shvaiko, University of Trento, Italy
Peter Haase, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Richard Benjamins, Isoco, Spain
Robert Tolksdorf, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Rose Dieng, INRIA, France
Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Stefan Decker, NUIG Galway, Ireland
Tomas Vitvar, NUIG Galway, Ireland
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK
Walter Binder, EPFL, CH
Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany
Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
York Sure, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Please contact Elena Simperl (simperl at inf.fu-berlin.de) if you have any questions regarding this event
PhD Symposium Chair
The ESWC 2007 PhD Symposium Chair is Elena Simperl (Free University of Berlin, Germany) simperl@inf.fu-berlin.de
The PhD Symposium is supported by the EU funded Network of Excellence [KnowledgeWeb - Realizing the Semantic Web]. Special travel grants to support the participation of female PhD students are also available. Please take a look at the [Hoppers@Kweb] web site for more details.