Call for Workshops
4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007)
3-7 June 2007
Innsbruck, Austria
ESWC 2007 invites the submission of workshop proposals on specific aspects of the Semantic Web, particularly relating to the subject areas indicated by the topics below. We encourage workshops which will discuss fundamental research issues driven by academic interests or more applied industrial or commercial concerns. The format of the workshop will be determined by the organizers. Workshops can vary in length from a half day to a full day. Having more than one co-organizer for a workshop is strongly advised. Accepted workshops will receive one free registration to the ESWC 2007 (full registration incl. tutorial, workshop, conference, reception and conference dinner). Workshop attendees must pay the ESWC 2007 workshop registration fee.
Important Dates
Workshops |
Workshop Proposals Due: |
November 30, 2006 |
Notification: |
December 11, 2006 |
URL for Workshop Website Due: |
January 21, 2007 |
Camera-Ready Proceedings: |
May 14 , 2007 |
Workshop: |
June 6-7, 2007 |
Proposal Requirements
Proposals for workshops should be no more than 3 pages in length. They should contain the following information:
- Title and brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the goals and the technical issues that will be its focus.
- A brief description of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.
- A list of related workshops or similar events held in the last 3 years, or to be held in 2007.
- The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the proposed organizing committee. This committee should consist of two or three people knowledgeable about the technical issues to be addressed, preferably not members of the same institution.
- A description of the qualifications of the proposed organizing committee with respect to organizing this workshop (e.g., papers published in the proposed topic area, previous workshop organization, other relevant information).
Each workshop organizing committee will be responsible for the following:
- Producing a web page and a "Call for Papers/Participation" for their workshop. The URL should be sent to the workshop chair. The call must make it clear that the workshop is open to all members of the Semantic Web community. It should also mention that at least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop and that all workshop participants must pay the ESWC 2007 workshop registration fee, as well as the conference fee. Finally, it should also clearly describe the process by which the Organizing Committee will select the participants.
- Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference web page and program.
- Selecting the participants and the format of the workshop.
- Advertising the workshop beyond the conference web page.
- Producing a camera-ready version of the workshop proceedings.
The ESWC 2007 Organizing Committee will be responsible for the following:
- Providing a link to a workshop's local page.
- Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the workshop.
- In conjunction with the organizers, determining the workshop date and time.
- Providing copies of the workshop proceedings to attendees.
Proposal Submission
Workshop proposals and any enquiries should be sent by e-mail to Diana Maynard. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format. Submitted proposals that follow the above requirements will be reviewed by the ESWC 2007 organizing committee with respect to the relevance of the topic and content.
Conference Topics of Interest and Area Keywords
Topics of interest to the conference include (but are not restricted to):
- Ontology Management (creation, evolution, evaluation, etc.)
- Ontology Alignment (mapping, matching, merging, mediation and reconciliation)
- Ontology Learning and Metadata Generation (e.g. HLT and ML approaches)
- Multimedia and Semantic Web
- Semantic Annotation of Data
- Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
- Semantic Web Rules and Query Languages
- Logics for the Semantic Web
- Reasoning on the Semantic Web
- Behaviour in the Semantic Web
- Searching, Querying, Visualizing, Navigating and Browsing the Semantic Web
- Personalization and User Modelling
- User Interfaces and Semantic Web
- Semantic Grid and Middleware
- Semantic Web Services (description, discovery, invocation, composition, choreography, etc.)
- Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management (e.g. Semantic Desktop, Knowledge Portals)
- Semantic Web for e-Business, e-Culture, e-Government, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Science
- Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
- Data Semantics and Web Semantics
- Semantic Interoperability
- Semantic Workflows
- Semantic Web Mining
Workshop Chair
The ESWC 2007 Workshop chair is Diana Maynard (University of Sheffield, UK) diana@dcs.shef.ac.uk