System Demonstrations with Posters
Expected Poster Size: DIN A0 (841 x 1189mm, 33.1 x 46.8 inch)
- David Aumüller and Erhard Rahm. Semantic Content Management with Automatic Content Integration and Categorization
Materials: [pdf]
- Abraham Bernstein and Michael Dänzer. True dynamic adaptions during execution of semantic web services compositions
Materials: [pdf]
- Marin Dimitrov, Alex Simov, Mihail Konstantinov and Vassil Momtchev. WSMO Studio - a Semantic Web Services Modelling Environment for WSMO
Materials: [pdf]
- Henrik Eriksson. An Annotation Tool for Semantic Documents
Materials: [pdf]
- Ismail Fahmi, Junte Zhang, Henk Ellermann and Gosse Bouma. SWHi: A Case Study in Information Retrieval, Inference, and Visualization in the Semantic Web
Materials: [pdf]
- Donato Griesi, Maria Teresa Pazienza and Armando Stellato. Cooking a Semantic Turkey
Materials: [pdf]
- Mick Kerrigan, Adrian Mocan, Martin Tanler and Dieter Fensel. The Web Service Modeling Toolkit - An Integrated Development Environment for Semantic Web Services
Materials: [pdf]
- Olaf Noppens and Thorsten Liebig. Understanding Large Volumes of Interconnected Individuals by Visual Exploration
Materials: [pdf]
- Luciano T. E. Pansanato, Maria G. C. Pimentel and Renata P. M. Fortes. Using an Orienteering Strategy to Browse Semantically-Enhanced Educational Wiki Pages
Materials: [pdf]
- Onni Valkeapää, Olli Alm and Eero Hyvönen. Efficient Content Creation on the Semantic Web Using Metadata Schemas with Domain Ontology Services
Materials: [pdf]
Expected Poster Size: DIN A0 (841 x 1189mm, 33.1 x 46.8 inch)
- Jie Bao and Vasant Honavar.
Privacy-Preserving Reasoning with Hidden Knowledge on the Semantic
- Liya Fan and Tianyuan Xiao. FCA-Mapping: A Method for Ontology
Materials: Paper
- Heiko Stoermer,
Paolo Bouquet,
Ignazio Palmisano and Domenico Redavid.
A Context-based Architecture for RDF
Knowledge Bases: Approach, Implementation and Preliminary Results
- Wei Xing,
Oscar Corcho, Carole Goble and Marios Dikaiakos. Active Ontology: An Information Integration Approach for Highly Dynamic Information Sources
- Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis,
Rafael Valencia-García,
Marcos Menárguez-Tortosa and
Pedro José Vivancos-Vicente.
Approaching Electronic Healthcare Records Management
from a Semantic Web perspective
- Stefano Franzoni, Pietro Mazzoleni, Elisa Bertino and Stefano Valtolina.
Towards a Fine-Grained Access Control Model and Mechanisms for
Semantic Databases
- Ralf Heese, Ulf Leser, Bastian Quilitz and Christian Rothe. Index Support for SPARQL
- Fausto Giunchiglia,
Mikalai Yatskevich and
Paolo Avesani.
A Large Scale Dataset for the Evaluation of Matching Systems
- José
Júlio Alferes and
Ricardo Amador. r3: Towards a foundational ontology for reactive rules
Materials: Poster
- Hande Zirtiloglu and Pinar Yolum.
Ranking Semantic Information for E-government: Complaints Management
Materials: Poster
- Graham Hench, Mick Kerrigan,
Michal Zaremba, Adina Sirbu and
Dieter Fensel.
WSMX: An Intelligent Repository for Semantic Web Services
- Giorgos Stoilos and Giorgos Stamou. Extending Fuzzy Description
Logics for the Semantic Web
- Krzysztof Goczyla, Aleksander Waloszek and
Wojciech Waloszek.
Hierarchical Contextualization of Ontology Space
- Francesca Alessandra Lisi. An ILP Approach to Ontology Refinement for the Semantic Web
Materials: Poster
- Carlo Aldo Curino, Giorgio Orsi and Letizia Tanca.
X-SOM: Ontology Mapping and Inconsistency Resolution
- Algirdas Laukaitis and Olegas Vasilecas. Heavy personal
assistant architecture for the Enterprise Semantic Web
- Ingo Brunkhorst,
Viviana Patti,
Matteo Baldoni,
Cristina Baroglio
and Elisa Marengo. A personalization web service for curricula planning
and validation
- Malgorzata Mochol,
Anja Jentzsch and
Jerome Euzenat.
Towards a methodology for selection suitable matching approaches - A
Case Study
- Qingping Tan, Yanping Yang and Minling Zhang. Locating Ontologies
for Web Services Annotation
- Yi Li, Jie Tang, Duo Zhang and Juanzi Li.
Toward Strategy Selection for Ontology Alignment
Materials: Paper
- Véronique Malaisé,
Antoine Isaac,
Guus Schreiber,
Luit Gazendam and
Hennie Brugman.
Mapping Dutch Cultural Heritage Thesauri to WordNet: two case studies
- Oscar Corcho,
Pinar Alper, Paolo Missier, Sean Bechhofer and Carole Goble.
Principled Metadata Management for Next Generation Semantic-Aware Systems
- Tobias Matzner and Pascal Hitzler.
Any-World Access to OWL from Prolog
- Mark Hefke and Andreas Abecker.
Ontology-based KM Introduction Support - The KMIR Framework
- Sam Chapman,
Vitaveska Lanfranchi,
Ravish Bhagdev and
Fabio Ciravegna.
Extending Semantic Search with a Hybrid Approach
- Yimin Wang,
Peter Haase,
Raphael Volz
and Jia Yu.
An Infrastructure for Distributed Query Answering over Networked
- Alissa Kaplunova, Atila Kaya and
Ralf Möller.
A Middleware Architecture to build Scalable and Efficient Reasoning
Infrastructures for the Semantic Web
- Karsten Böhm.
Evaluation of the Application of Ontologies to Support Information
Research Activities and Knowledge Organization
- Khalid Latif, Edgar Weippl and A Min Tjoa. Interactive Question
Answering Approach of Semantics Interpretation
- Mauricio Espinoza,
Jorge Gracia,
Raquel Trillo and
Eduardo Mena.
Discovering the Semantics of User Keywords
- Artem Chebotko,
Shiyong Lu, Hasan Jamil and Farshad Fotouhi. SPARQL-to-SQL
Query Translation for Optional Graph Patterns
- Mathieu d'Aquin,
Marta Sabou,
Martin Dzbor,
Claudio Baldassarre,
Laurian Gridinoc,
Sofia Angeletou and Enrico Motta.
WATSON: A Gateway for the Semantic Web
- Leon Deligiannidis,
Krys Kochut and
Amit Sheth.
User-Centered Incremental RDF Data Exploration and Visualization
- Zhen Liu, Anand Ranganathan and Anton Riabov. Automatic Composition of Dataflows using Semantic Graph-Transformation Models of Components.
Materials: Paper
- Yuangui Lei, Victoria Uren and Enrico Motta. SemRef: An Evaluation Reference Model for Semantic Metadata
Materials: Paper | Poster
- Jelena Jovanovic,
Shilpi Rao,
Dragan Gasevic,
Marek Hatala and
Vladan Devedzic.
An Ontology Framework for Educational Feedback
- Ora Lassila.Browsing + Querying = Exploring